The integrated post-processor (add-on module) VIEWER4WINLIFE simplifies the presentation of results, as only a few mouse clicks are required to display the iso-lifes. The FE model, i.e. the FE mesh with its coordinates, and the calculation results are read in completely.
Of course, the winLIFE results can also be displayed in the post-processor of the FE programme. However, this requires a switch from winLIFE to the post-processor of the FE programme and the results file of winLIFE must be opened and read in the FE post-processor. This is more or less time-consuming depending on the post-processor used.
To start the viewer, select from the menu
Result / Viewer
and the following screen appears:

The entire structure is displayed with the results. You can choose between:
- Damage sum
- Degree of utilisation
- Equivalent amplitude
In addition
- Areas can be selected for the display
- Nodes and/or elements can be assigned certain properties (attributes):
Weld seam class (FAT)
Sheet thickness
Surface roughness
Weld seam number
Surface layer factor
Protective layer factor
Fatigue strength,
Wöhler line inclination
These attributes then affect the fatigue life calculation - Node lists can be generated and used for subsequent calculations
The Viewer allows the user to
- perform a variety of parameter studies without leaving winLIFE, and
- define groups of nodes and/or elements that can be used for analysis or further calculations.
The usual post-processor actions are also supported in VIEWER4WINLIFE.
The speed of the VIEWER4WINLIFE display is increased by the fact that a file is created when the data is first read in, which allows a significant increase in the speed of subsequent operations.